Sunday, February 20, 2011


Started taking some sleeping pills to help my apparent insomnia. But they're giving me weird dreams. For the eight hours I slept, I dreamt I was sitting on a white room in a chair, watching a white flower bloom. It was weird. Midterms will be over soon and hopefully things will be less stressful.

Also, share your dreams.


  1. Stop taking those pills NOW. You will NEVER be able to sleep normally again. You will become addicted to them and they will be less and less effective. TRUST ME, throw them out NOW.

  2. I hate sleeping pills. I never feel like I'm really asleep, I feel like I'm suspended in between being asleep and awake.

  3. Last night I had a dream that I was in a knife fight with an old high school rival. No pills for me though.

  4. never tried sleeping pills but they can't be good for you

  5. Kerykeion has a good point man. I know a few people into their 'uppers', who rely on these sorts of meds to avoid the come down.

    Try intense physical exercise - you'll sleep like a baby :D

    On the dreams thing, I have some crazy ass dreams. Often I dream of trivial things, then a few days later, they will happen in real life. Pretty sketchy.

  6. I hope I never get to the point of needing pills to sleep. Sleeping is so important to me, and I don't ever want to be in a situation where I have to choose between chemical dependence or insomnia. Good luck with your situation.

  7. It's a well know fact that the 24h cycle of our planet doesn't suite everyone [actually most people work best in a 28-30 hour day cycle].

    So try to set your week so you can obey your body and try to exaust your self both physically and mentally.

    As for dreams, I am not sure why, but lately I am in a cyber-punk mood. Must be the awesome blimps I see in my dreams.


  8. Geez. I have a hard time slleping sometimes because im scared of my dreams.. But I have been studying dreams a bit for the past year or so. You didn't say much info about yours but often the color White being a prominent color in your dream is ment to be reasuring and tell you that you are doing well, your improving and getting closer to reaching goals. Or at least Im pretty sure.
    Good luck getting over the insamnia. I have friends witht hat and it can be a problem.

  9. i hope you start sleeping steadily.
